Sunday, January 10, 2010

She did it!!!

Some of you might remember that around Christmas last year, Courtney had her heart set on saving up for an American girl doll. Well she did it and this fall we took her to the American girl doll shop in Chicago and after several trips around she decided on Chrissa. Funny girl, since the doll has been home I have seen her play with it maybe once.
Oh and I should mention, her next goal is to save up for an I-pod Touch like her daddy bought himself with his Christmas money. We told her we would pitch in $50, and she is already calculating how many chores and how much birthday money she will need to get it by summer.
That's my gal!!! Bargain Queen in the making!!!
My Favorite Yard sale find of the season

As I think all of you know I love a good bargain and you can find great ones at yard sales around here. This is an Amish drying rack, I was drooling over them when Jack and I went up to Amish country for 2 nights just the 2 of us when the children were at Church camp this summer. BUT the price tag on it was way out of my budget, so you can imagine what a thrill it was to find a like new one at a yard sale just 2 weeks later. It sat on my porch this summer drying mostly my sports gear and other dedicates, now its in the master bedroom for winter.
Oh and see the plant stand under the welcome sign, that's from a yard sale too, a few seasons ago, it held mum's this fall and now is in the basement till spring arrives.
Can't wait till spring, not only can I get my plant stand out again, and my drying rack out of the master bedroom, but once again I can yard sale, and that is an excellent thing.
Just a few Pictures of the Finished home

Stairway, with painted steps, love the way they turned out used deck paint. I got the mirror at a yard sale for $8 and have waited for over 2 years to see it hanging!!! LOVE IT.
Courtney's sleeping loft.This was one of our best ideas for the house it really gives her some serious play space.

Remember the ugly flower covered bath tub, well its got new life now, and it works great.

Our master bedroom with yardsale bedframe, bench and side tables (still got to paint those up) paired with clearance bedding, big lots with coupon lamps and curtains! LOVE IT and it feels increadible.

Yeah I know its been ages!!!

I noticed that the most popular phrase in all my Christmas cards this year was love reading your blog. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM................................ could that be a hint that you would wish for me to get my life organized enough to actually update it once and a while (lol).

Being it January and a time to set goals my new goal for this blog is to update it once in each Calender month in 2010.

I hope you will pop in from time to time to catch up on our lives, and enjoy the pictures of the our adorable children (cause I know that's your number 1 reason for viewing, but that's okay, I think there great too).