Friday, December 22, 2006

Individual updates on our exibits!!!

Jack is currently busy in his shop. He just finished getting his woodstove installed and just bought the materials for a new workbench. He spent the bulk of his christmas money sent by relatives on tools for the new metal "Celebrate Jesus" signs that he wants to start making and selling his first attempt was wooden and not quite as sturdy as he had hoped although the lady who asked him to make it was please with it and has already had two people knock on her door asking where she got it.

The new grand total for dishclothes sold is 76 with a additional order of 3 more that still need to be made. I have also sold 16 of my crochet little girl purses. I am already starting the wheels going for a combined craft open house at my house next christmas season, and making a mental list of what I should make and put away every month in preperation for it.

I am leaving for mom's on the 9th and staying two weeks with Courtney in Courtenay!!!

Thomas is so exicted right now about an up coming birthday party of his friend's. They are going to go to the new indoor water park hotel in Indy!! He is doing indoor soccer right now and his team is very good.

Aiden decided to branch out from soccer this season and try basketball, he has had a few practices but no games yet.

Courtney is really into art lately. She is chopping up every piece of scrap paper she can find with sissors and naming the scraps. She almost always has a felt or crayon in her hand.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

We are well into the Christmas festivities!!! The past few weeks have been a flury of activities, enjoyed by all.

The kids and I have taken in the "walkway of lights" twice a week since it started in late November. It is a great display of lights going on for miles and through the city park, with everything from santa, to dinosaurs to the nativity.

The Children all did an excellent Job of their christmas plays and enjoyed the parties that followed.

Just last weekend we took in one of our favorite holiday events and went to my friend Darlene's home to make gingerbread houses. Well the boys actually made gingerbread trains but, they were great fun to make and eat. Just as I predicted they lasted only two days before they were completely eaten. Luckliy I picked up a kit, to do with the kids on christmas eve, that will be the center piece for the big day.

This week I took in two girlfriend events. On Wednesday we took off at 8 a.m. to go shopping in Fort Wayne and did not return till 9:30 pm. I got a few last minute gifts, as well as spent the good bulk of my christmas money.

The next night an even larger group of us all went to Kokomo for dinner at Olive Garden. We did a gift exchange and then finished the night off with shopping at the mall.

Today, was a day the Kids and I look forward too all season long. It was our second annual "sugar cookie decorating party". Over 20 children showed up and their was icing and sprinkles every where. Every child left with a sugar rush and a memory!!!

Thanks to all of you who have written and sent cards. This is my gift in return. I hope to update this blog spot once every other month or so. Just to keep you all up to date on our lives.

Here is our gang taking in the Holiday festivities. Courtney and her gingerbread house, made at a friend's. Thomas and Aiden at our 2nd annual cookie decorating party, hosted at our home !!! It was attended by over 20 children and was so much fun!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Life At our Huizinga Zoo

Here they are, our three children, whom make our home often seem more zoo like than peaceful, good thing we love them soooooooo much!!! Thomas (blue), Aiden (red), Courtney (the only girl of course!!!)