Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Sunday to Be Remembered
Sunday April 18Th 2010 will be a day this family of five will mark as a very memorable Sunday indeed. It started out as any other, waking up kids, grabbing clothes, breakfast and bibles and heading out the door to church. But this Sunday the service ended very different. Truly it all started on a Thursday evening in Aiden's AWANA class where their teacher taught them what baptism meant, and Aiden told his teacher he understood what it meant and could he please be baptised. That lead to a call I received several days later from his teacher, which began many a discussion in the van and in the car and around the dinner table as to what baptism meant. By Easter Sunday dinner, both Aiden and Courtney decided they wanted to ask the pastor to be baptised, by the end of the 10 minute car drive there, Thomas decided he too wanted to follow this step of obedience to the Lord.
So after Easter communion, I took all three of them forward to tell the pastor about their decision and set the date.
We celebrated the occasion with a BBQ at our house with their friends and their parents, 5 families in all plus ours. Now six families sounds small till you start to add up everyone's children! Luckily it was a very nice warm day so the kids played mostly outside.
Kid friendly items were served, hot dogs hamburgers, chips, cookies and cake. The drink of choice was over 11 different types of soda to suit all tastes.
Proverbs 14:26 He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge

A family tradition "wacky cake" topped with truffle icing and decorated with M&M's , Aiden came up with the color scheme "red for Jesus blood shed on Calvary" and "blue for the waters of baptism (the orange is because the package didn't have enough red!


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