Sunday, June 27, 2010

How I Paid for our Anniversary Getaway

It has been a while since I have had a real good go through of our home. I needed a reward to get me going, so when I saw our 15Th anniversary coming up on the calender and the church camp for the children providing the sitting we need to go somewhere, and then a community rummage being held in the neighborhood of our soon to be rental, I decided to go for it.
I actually had 3 sales, earlier in April I took part in a homeschooling book sale and sold a lot of our phonics books that we no longer need. Then a neighbor was having a sale at her house and was so kind to offer to host my stuff there, and then there was the community rummage where I made over $650 in the 2 days of the sale. All together between the 2 sales I paid for our trip, and still came home with a bit, and we did not cut corners either, we had a great hotel room, great food, and just kicked backed and enjoyed our time (read next post).
I still have various items left of eBay quality, that I might spend one day doing a listing fest and raise money to go camping with the kids, or spend a few nights in a hotel room during zoo camp in Fort Wayne. But we will have to see if busy schedual of renovating, and summer fun allows me to squeeze that in.

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