Birthday week!!!!
As most of you know 3 out of 5 of the people in our family have birthdays all in one week its starts June 22 w ith Courtney's and ends June 28th with Aiden's and Jack's is sandwiched in the middle on the 25th. It is a busy week but a fun week!!! I make a homemade cake for each of them, and we go out for lunch or dinner on their day, and we always do some fun event on their day, and they get their family gifts on their day and friends gifts at their parties. I try to make the birthday child or adult, feel as special as possible!!!
He of course enjoyed the favorite Ice-cream sandwich cake. I almost have the recipe memorized now I have made it three summers in a row, twice in one week for both he and his sister. Good thing it is simple to make but messy!!! I was still scrubbing chocolate fingers off the cupboards a week later, and i will admit most of them were mine!!!
Jack' s birthday is sandwiched between both the kiddo's, He of course had to have his cherry cheese cake. We went out for breakfast just the two of us at his favorite breakfast spot "9th street cafe" and then had lunch with the kiddo's at wendy's and dinner was steak and potato salad and bread. A Carb lovers delight and believe me my husband is known for his love of carbs!!! I bought him new sun glasses for his day and the kids made him cards. Thomas actually wrote him a letter which is HUGE, Thomas barely writes a thing unless he absolutely has too!!!
Courtney always kicks off birthday week. My baby is now 7. She is going to use her birthday money to finally get that "American Girl" doll. which means if we are to do it right, a trip to chicago, a bit daunting for my small town husband. I think we will park outside the city and do that train thing!!!!
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