In October of 2009, I finally did it, I ran a full 26.2 mile marathon. Well I ran 19 miles of it, then I walked mile 19, then I ran a song, walked a song, all the way to the finish line, which I reached in just under 5 hrs.
I know I didn't exactly break any records for a 35 year old female, but I am very happy with myself. Running for me has become more than a great way to burn off all those calories from my king size sweet tooth. It is a time to share with friends (mostly the friendship of my redhead runner whom isn't yet ready for a marathon, but I sure do love her company). It is also a time to clear my head, of worries, frustrations, stumbling blocks, and an awesome problem solving time.
I am already looking forward to trying another full marathon in the fall, this time I want to make it past the 20 mile mark before I break into a walk/run pattern. I am also doing a 1/2 marathon this May (with my redhead runner) and I want to finish that one under 2 hrs, and am kicking my own butt, each week on the treadmill with speed training to do my best to make that goal.
I would really like to try a triathlon, too, but I am waiting to see when my varicose vein surgery will be booked, it really has grown this last year, and its time for it to go, but it means 3 weeks off my running (but I can walk with no incline and swim so that will keep my shape up). Still till its booked I cannot know what dates will be good to try a Tri!
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