This year the heart shaped cake had to be "not pink" which I totally can live with, I am just touched that he still allows me to do the heart shaped cake for his valentines birthday.
He got the x-box 360 for his big day. We pitched in all of the money that we normally spent on a gift, and then he gave us all he had saved up and his birthday money and we wrote down what he still owed on a sheet of paper, for him to pay down as he works with his dad evenings on the renovation home.
I know some people who would have just given him an x-box, but we are not that family, we live within our means, and our means do not allow us to simply give a 200 dollar gift to each child for their birthdays.
We also believe in the value of hard work, and learning financial responsibility, the x-box was a perfect opportunity to hlep teach just that.
Anyways back to Thomas' big day. He spent the morning playing Halo, on his new x-box. We had cake early, just before Jack left for work at 11. Then me and the three kids drove up to Fort Wayne to allow Thomas some time to stroll around his favorite bookstore, followed by ice-cream at coldstone creamier, and a movie at the last run theatre. After that it was pizza at Little Cesar's and 2 hrs playing games at Chucky Cheeses.
(and yes we used coupons at every location, cause you know I am that woman!!)
We finished the evening off with a triple down the video aisles at Target, before heading home for bed.
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