The kids have no after school activities for two weeks. I decided to make the most of this window of opportunity and take a 6 hour drive down to my friend in Nashville for two nights and three days . I got to meet her new baby girl adopted from Liberia who is oh so adorable!!! ( I did not get a decent picture of her while I visited because I was too busy cuddling her, but believe me she is so gosh darn cute!!!).
Aiden was very excited about the trip, my friend's son Caleb is one of his best friends.
We saw a few sights in Nashville including the inside of a huge mall, that contained "Sting Ray Reef" which was the highlight of the trip for Thomas. He is still talking about feeding the sting rays. Those things can really jump, it freaked me out at first, I had no idea they would come up and over the side of the tank to get the food.
It was rainy one of the days we visited so I made a morning dash to Target and Jo-Ann's for dollar bin crafts. Susan and I had a blast painting while her two little ones were sleeping. I am hoping I learned a thing or two about painting off of her. The boys enjoyed assembling their airplanes and were fairly patient about letting them dry.
The kids and I enjoyed the trip so much, they want to know when we can travel back and visit again. Although during the next window of time between soccer seasons and gymnastics sessions I think I need to make a trip to see a certain someone in Kentucky (yes Lyn that would be you).
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