My Boy and His big Foot

His daddy wears an 8 1/2
men's, his mother a 9 1/2 women's and now at age 14 he has a bigger foot than both of them: He wears a 10 1/2 (oh well at least he shares that 1/2 with us). One thing I have discovered, this size must be popular with men, because they are hard to find in the deep
clearance rack of shoes (unlike his fathers' who can find tonnes of selection in his smaller than average
men's size often scoring a pair of $120 runners for $30). Nope I searched the web over an hour, hitting all my favorite sites, I did get pretty good deals in the end but a pair of
Nike runners and
Adidas soccer shoes ended up costing us just less than a week of groceries for our family of five.
I don't think he has stopped growing yet either, I read somewhere boys between the age of 14 to 18 grow an average of 4 to 6 inches, . OH BOY I BEST GET USE TO LOOKING UP INTO THAT HANDSOME FACE cause that puts him in in the low 6 feet and something inches.
But having a child as big as me now comes in handy. He helps me move furniture when the urge hits. He can take things to the attic for me. I can borrow his sweatshirts and coats when needed, and most importantly His SHOES ARE REALLY EASY TO SLIP ON IF I NEED TO HEAD OUTSIDE FOR JUST A MOMENT!!!
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