Why I bought a second bread machine
Since we moved to our newly renovated home just over a year ago, I have made constant use of our $10 yard sale find bread machine.
I really have bought very little grocery store bread in the last year, nor buns for that matter, or tortilla's (although those are not done in the bread machine, but boy is rolling them out great for relieving aggression)
So just last Friday in which I was hosting my Fall Yard sale with 3 other friends at our old home location, I could not resist the $10 used twice bread machine my friend had out for sale.
Now at first I thought I would store it in the basement for when ours died, cause used almost daily bread machines do slowly over time develop under heating problems.
Then it struck me!!! I could make 2 loaves at once and turn the oven on only one time instead of two!!! BRILLIANT!!!
I can also have rolls going while bread is going or double batch of Garlic Focaccia bread ( a new family favorite served with balsamic viniger and extra virgin olive oil for 3 of the 5 of us).
I even branched out and tried homemade burger buns just yesterday, but I need to work on making them just a bit bigger, definitely more meat than bun today at lunch.
I only use the dough setting on my bread machines. I don't like the hole left by the machine when you cook it in there, and the crust tends to be thicker when left in the machine.
So I take it out and let it rise and then bake it in the oven.
I know you old fashioned bread makers are saying why not do it all from scratch, and the reason is its just too time consuming when I have homeschooling going on, this way the machine does all the hard work for me.
Jack loves my bread so much, he now encourages me to give it as gifts . He loves the buns so much he brings them to his work potlucks. And the kids, well Thomas loves the bread for his 1 lb of natural peanut butter a week habit. Aiden loves the buns that I make a batch of for nearly every Sunday lunch he finishes one in about 2 bites!!! Courtney loves it too, and proudly beamed from ear to ear when her little friend was over and said "man this is better than any bread my mother has ever bought, can your mom let me take some home"!!!
But truly I can't take much credit for it, the machine does the bulk of the work and the rest of it is the great recipes I have found for it at www.moneysavingmom.com and www.lifeasmom.com . Both are hardworking homeschool mama's that see the value of a breadmachine.
(oh and as a side not I made just over $200 at my fall yard sale bringing my total for selling off things we no longer use this year to $1000 and I still have 3 months left)
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