The Last Birthday for 2010
Aiden has the last birthday of birthday week. I must admit, by the end of the birthday week, this mom is feeling a bit tired, and our home is a little worse for wear. 3 days of party party party will do that to a mom and her family and home. But I believe in finishing strong, in giving all I got to the very end. So with that ingrained in personality, Ai en had a great day.
He started it out with presents from the family. Mostly money, since he wanted video games. After breakfast we went to "game stop" to pick out a few new games, followed by lunch at Ryan's. For those of you not familiar with Ryan's it is a huge buffet style restaurant with an ice-cream bar. Aiden at carb's, carb's and more carb's till his carb loving heart was stuffed, then he topped it off with an ice-cream sundae.
The afternoon was spent playing video games. At 4pm, 3 of his video loving buddies came by and the stuffed themselves with pizza and pop, and finished the night with smores on a campfire. At
least that is what his dad told me.
You see I am an early bird, my body seems to like to rise sometime between 4 and 5 each morning, and that is an alarm clock FREE rising. That means it likes to sleep right around 8:30 and well 9 pm is pushing it for me. And wouldn't you know it now a days children consider 9pm to be too early for a sleepover night!!! So dad the Night Owl who rarely makes in into bed before 1 a.m., took over where I left off, (or rather dozed off) and that is when the backyard campfire took place.
Surprisingly when this early bird got up to sneak out for a run, those same boys who were up with my lovable Night owl, were already up! But easily entertained with video games and fed with pop tarts and sugary birthday treat cereal, so that I could run while the Night Owl slept.
All in all a great birthday week, and a memorable one too. Now I have just one child in the single digits!!! My babies are getting so big.
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