Our Camping trip
We did end up doing the country hick "rigging" of our pop-up (tent trailer), and took the kiddo's camping at a nearby state park, where the younger two attended nature day camp during the day. Thomas spent his days doing a bit of school work (before you call me a mean mommy, I was trying to get them ahead in the school year so we can take off 3 weeks for our coming visit to family) . He spent the afternoons off exploring by himself, one afternoon he and I rented a peddle boat, I have always wanted to go on one. It was so much fun, and quite the work out, I am hooked now, I can't wait to go again and at just $8 an hr for rental, I think I will!

The boys hanging out in the pop-up playing
DS and watching
VHS' tapes. Yeah I know we are suppose to be camping, enjoying the great outdoors, and we did, but hanging out in the pop up turned to be the favorite activity of choice.

Courtney chowing down on a banana, she loved the pop-up she played in it so much the week we had it up at home, I figured she would be bored of it by the time we left. Although she spent most of her free time, wandering the camp grounds on her bike.

home sweet home for 2 nights and 3 days, and we even took the family dog. Can't see the duct tape or homemade supports at all can ya! See I told ya country hick style works every time.

Boys never grow too old to throw rocks in the water.
Aiden after! (see below for before)
Aiden before, he discovered what he called cliff climbing, he would run up the cliff then run down as fast as he could and plunge into the water, his sister soon joined him.


Oh and did I mention I couldn't help but join
Aiden and Courtney. Cliff climbing looked like so much fun, but I forgot my suit up at the trailer, so well....... a sports bra and bikini briefs are almost as good as a suit right. Don't worry there was no one but us in the area. And if I didn't tell you I know my kids will so I thought I would fess up now.

Jack cooking our dinner, on our little BBQ.
All in all we had a great time, but we do know one thing, we are going to look into an air conditioner unit (second hand) for our little pop-up it is just to hot and humid here, and Jack is use to working in a air-condition environment so he doesn't do well in heat, and
Aiden has always overheated quickly, he got mild sunstroke once this summer, but the water and being indoors this trip kept him from having it again. So its either and air conditioning unit or we wait till its still warm enough in day to swim but it cools enough at night for sleep.
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