A Fun Evening with Friends
We started off the first good weather month (April) with a BBQ at our house for the children's baptism. It was decided right then and there the families needed to get together more often this summer. Well it didn't end up being every other weekend like planed but it did happen about once a month. The pictures that follows are taking at my redhead runner's parents home. I love it, her dad keeps it as up kept and green as a four star golf course (actually its kept better than any golf course I have seen around these parts) And the backyard pool is incredible well planned out, with outdoor access to a full bath including a shower stall, lots of pool side seating and a screen in porch with a great view of the pool (which really came in hand this night). And if you are wondering what sort of hedge is around the first pic. well that is a corn field, really I live in the Corn State, so could it be anything else!!

When we arrived it was sprinkling, so most of the mom's and dad's hung out in the screen porch watching the crazy kids swim. You know my favorite part of this picture, the
polar pop, 32 cold ounces of sweet tea (well
actually 2/3rd
unsweet, 1/3 sweet lite on the ice, I got a figure to maintain ya know) Could anything be better than sipping tea and hanging out with buddies.

Our chef for the night. For some reason the men all showed up late that night so Lynn had to be the man and stand in and BBQ. She and I both had working hubbies that had to miss out on the event, so we joked with each other that we made a couple, since she maned the grill and I knitted while she did it.

After dinner entertainment included zipping down the hill on the tractor!

Thomas is too big for the tractor, so he made up his own way to get down the green lush hill fast!

These three were not as interested in leaving the backyard pool. That is my
Aiden on the slide and "little
Aiden" watching him, with thoughts of when will I be big enough for that, I am sure dancing in his head.

Several frogs were unfortunately manhandled a bit too much that evening. (oh and as for the pin Courtney is wearing, I swear I did not give it to her! Her friend did, she found it in her grandma's attic, if you met this couple you would totally understand).

Pond's are big here in Indiana and stocking them with catfish is common. Courtney caught her first fish that night, followed by two more. Turns out she is a great
fisher lady.

As for my redhead runner, well she caught one, all season, and it wasn't the night pictured. But I love her anyway.

A view of the pond!!!
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