If you Give a Gal a Great Deal on Kisses, She'll want to make Cookies
Now the real story in this segment is in my brain fart. I know I just wrote the word fart! but its true I had a brain fart. I was standing there, in front of the stove not remembering if the kisses go on the cookies before or do you squeeze them on just fresh out of the oven. I did a quick post of Facebook for help, and got no instant reply, so we went with Courtney's logic, which was, put them on first so they bake into the cookie and stick better.
So in they went. And then the message came. A facebook friend posted you put them on after they are going to melt everywhere. Courtney wrinkled her nose at that comment. She trusted her instincts, and at that point I prayed she was right cause if not I was going to be spending my afternoon cleaning the oven.
Well they came out of the oven looking great. The kisses were soft but intact (it might have been that they were dark chocolate and therefore harder than milk). So what does my little mini me say "mom quick grab your i-pod and take a picture of our cookies and load it on facebook, I want to prove to your friends I was right".
Yep, that's my gal. No reason to argue with that one. She is one strong willed puppy and when she is right she will go to great lengths to let the world know even if it includes posting a picture of her saying "see I told you so" on facebook.
Oh but I love her. Every last stubborn bone in her body is bone of my own bone. Genetically she didn't stand a chance. I know life will eventually knock that stubbornness down a bit, but I also know it will serve her well if she learns how to reign it in and use it to persevere when life gives her a few knocks of its own.
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