We are a family of five. Seems like a small number. BUT add in homeschooling, 2 boys in soccer, 1 girl in gymnastics and a dog with psycological issues and well it seems more zooish. Oh and I should add, my hubby juggles 3 jobs and we own 3 homes, one we are currently renovating and one in serious need of some renovation. The last home is ours, and it's always creating work for me and my hubby. That's life here at Huizinga zoo.
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Any ways enough about my wierd body, lets get back to running. The most important reason I began running longer and more often was because my friend Jami took up a liking to it too, and then her liking spread like wild fire and now at least three other friends are running. They are now my sisters in sweat!!! And believe I am no daintly lady I sweat a lot!!!
The pictures above are of my first official race as an adult, I use to love to run in grade school got lots of ribbons in a box somewhere to prove it. Still I was a bit nervous that was oh lets say 20+ years ago I kind of did not remember what it felt to race.
Well apparently I still remember how, me and Jami both won 3rd place in our division, okay really I got the 3rd and she got the 4th but we really finished together and I only placed before her cause I saw the ladies hand reaching out for our time cards first.
My next goal is a mini-marathon this coming October just over 13 miles of running, I think that works out out to just over 2o km for you Canadian folks. Strangly I am looking forward to it.
I am also planning or registering for the Indy 500 race in the spring, no I am not taking up car racing, they have a mini-marathon around the track before the big car race. Its suppose to be one of the largest ones in the nation. I figure having that as a goal will keep me focused on my workouts over the winter when I would really rather be hibernating.

My Big Surprise!!!
It all started yesterday morning, when Aiden desperately seemed to want to spend some time with Dad. Dad showed up around 10 and had just a bit more hospice work to do before heading to the reno house. I asked if Aiden could go with him he said, well not now but he can come with me on an errand at 3, we will be gone till 7. I of course not being one to survive off of few details (I am a very detail person I got know all the who, what, when, where and why) Asked for more information about the errand. All I got was a big fat "Its a surprise you are going to have to wait!!!.
Well several phone calls later, and I finally guessed it, and Jack admited to it. He had already picked it up by then. He bought what you see pictured above, a 1996 pop up tent trailer, with a queen size bed on one end and a double on the other, fridge, stove, tv and vcr, heater (but no airconditioning) roll out awning and the green carpet to go with it. They even threw in all their camping supplies for a cool $1700.
The kids are already begging to go out in it. I think we have a few weeks left where we could. Jack quit his weekend on call work at Hospice, so we should have the time (I know I know we got a house to complete but ya got to have a bit of fun now and then)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Our family is still working on the first of our two renovation homes (we live in one). Things really took a slow down in the winter, once Jack took his new position at hospice, good thing is we own it, so the cost of holding onto it is low. I had one wise woman say really when you look at it, my hubby has renovation as a hobby and our holding cost per year are about the same as an annual green fee to a exclusive golf course BUT, I will get those green fees back with perhaps some profit when he is done, not many people have a husband with a hobby that does that!!!!
I am the official painter of the project, now up until this year my experience painting has been very limited but over the last few months I have learned a few things.
1. Buy the more expensive painters tape, you will not regret it (However if you do buy the cheaper tape, your frustration level will rise when you realize you now have to touch up a lot of areas that were pulled off by the Cheap tape!!!)
2. When painting in tight spaces where a hat or a shower cap, cause paint takes a long time to come out of hair, and you will get tired of people saying "there is something white in your hair!!!"
3. A good scrub brush full of body wash will take most paint off skin!! (what can I say I am a dripper and I hate using gasoline it stinks!!)
4. Always have a roll of paper towels handy for spills and oh ohs!
5. Those little edgers on wheels are the greatest inventions for painting near ceilings!!! They beat the edge paint brushes hands down.
6. When all else fails, go to Sherwin Williams and confess your lack of knowledge, and they will be happy to help you.
Some of you may be wondering just what our time line is now for our current renovation house. Well truthfully I give up on time lines, but I do know what has to be finished, its pretty much painting and more painting and more painting for me while Jack has to put in closet systems, redo the front porch, put in the claw foot tub and upstairs sink, put in all flooring throughout house, and put up a lot of trim , around windows and doors and floors and ceilings, oh and he has to hang those doors (which again need painting). There are also the kitchen counters to install, as well as the kitchen sink.
But truly we are still enjoying the work, it is very satifying for me to go over there and put in four hours of work and go back another day and see that those four hours of work are still done and not undone like the hours of work I put in to keep our current home clean. For Jack, its a change from dealing with people all day. We both love a challange and it truly has been a challange and continues to be one that we are pluging away at.
There goes the timer. I don't write much in an hour do I !!! Well I had computer issues today for the first ten minutes my picture would not load!!! See you next week.