My Laundry Area
Now when I say mine, I do mean mine, I know my kids are probably old enough to help and one of these days I will at least show them how to start the washer and dryer, BUT I am a tall lady who barely fits her long legs into "Long" labeled clothes, and that means I am very careful about how I laundry those clothes so that I don't look like I am even taller in pants two inches too short. This laundry area is my planning, one side of shelves is for dirty laundry the other side is for clean folded laundry that needs to be put away, all can be done at a hands throw.
The washer and dryer we got was a total God thing, we were in Home Depot one day when in the middle of the Christmas tree displays we saw this beautiful stacking washer and dryer set just sitting there (so I guess that whole Christmas tree disaster was worth it after all) (if you don't remember my agrivating run in with the tree check out last Novembers postings) . Anyways turns out it was a display model that they sold to us for less than the price of the washer itself, they basically threw in the dryer for free!!!
In case you are wondering where the set is, its on my front porch, I look at it every day and remember I need to set some time aside in the week to go and paint so that one day soon I will actually get to use it!!!
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