Sunday, October 26, 2008

Love Hurts!!!
This week Jack finished the front porch of our reno. house. Months ago I had purchased this swing for a cool price, off my friend Shannon. I love this swing, I have been anxiously awaiting for it to be hung up, so when I saw the porch done, I asked Jack "please can you hang it?". He of course reminded me swing weather is almost over, and winter will soon be here, but when he saw my disappointed look well he set out to surprise me by hanging the swing while I was busy with the children one afternoon last week. I discovered what he had done, not when I saw the swing but when I found him at our current home wrapping up his poor thumb!!! He injured it while trying to fix complications he was having while hanging my swing.
I couldn't love him more, but wait I can, look at the lower corner of the photo down by his feet and you will see an outdoor plug also lovingly put in by Jack for me and my laptop!!!
I am now totally looking forward to next summer and a leisurely evening spent on my swing with my laptop and a movie, oh and my honey cuddling by my side would make it even better!!!

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