Our little Gal is Famous!!!
Yesterday evening we experience Halloween Fun round two. If you read this blog often you will know Halloween fun round one, was a few weekends ago when we visited our friends at their "Autumn Camping Weekend" where they decorate up campsites and pass out candy.
Halloween round two, took place in a tiny community by us called Sweester. We started in the late afternoon with a "trunk or treat" at our church, each persons trunk was all decorated and there was a game the child played at each parking place and then received candy for playing the game. The kids loved it and we also got free dinner there too!!!
We then went to the community costume judging contest, which included more candy and then all walked in the parade down to the "pumpkin walk". The pumpkin walk is a walking trail that once a year close to Halloween people bring carved pumpkins to be judged and they they line them up for everyone to walk by and see.
We followed that up a visit to the clowns for balloons and then a hay ride and a cup of hot chocolate with a free cupcake. On the walk back to the car we hit one more Trunk or Treat at another community church.
The kids were exhausted and so was I so we went straight home to bed!!!
On the walk, Courtney and her friend got their pictured snapped by a photographer, I knew it was the paper once she asked for their names. So I went to the corner store to get a copy before Courtney woke up this morning, she was pleased as punch to see her picture!!!
The final round of Halloween for our family will be on the actual day, then the costumes will retire to the costume box for another year.
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