This Weeks Thrifty Tip!!!

Today's thrifty tip is Big Lots!!! Its a great store in our area, that sells closeout groceries, to toys to clothes to furniture.
The prices for some things are not really all that cheap, but others are amazing. Our family goes there for all our socks and most of our underwear (yep, I just printed where I get my families undies ).
I also get a lot of educational computer software there for our kids homeschooling. Up till about grade three, my children finish off their school day with some time on the computer playing educational software and about 1/2 of it comes from Big Lots.
For our reno. home we have bought our drop clothes, paintbrushes, rollers and trays at Big lots for significantly less than the hardware stores (small word of advice though, don't use their painters tape, it takes the paint with it!!! I learned the hard way with that)
I have also found great deals on clothes, curtains, cleaning supplies and toys.
To save yourself even more money make sure you sign up for their Buzz Club, on line at , when you do you will get a 20% coupon of your next entire purchase, sent to your inbox. And you will get more of these 20% coupons randomly throughout the year. Jack and I just got one a few weeks ago, and we used it to buy our curtains (also a great deal even without the coupon) and lamps for the new home (ours here are on their last legs, our kids are hard on lamps) , snacks for our upcoming trip, a few small tools he needed, and a few things for the kitchen, and we saved ourselves almost $50 off our purchase.
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