This Weeks Thrifty Tip

For those of you that live in the area, these packs are available at the kokomo's Md's across from Menard's, or the one in the Kokomo Walmart. You can also get them at the Fort Wayne location just off 24 and 69, at the Jefferson point exit, and the Md's near the Fort Wayne Zoo also has them.
The treats for the Valentine's packs included, hamburgers, apple dippers or fries, milk or juice, ice-cream cones. These are great for snacks on the run, or to reduce the cost of a take out meal.
For instance running home from church today , I fed our entire family at Md's for $10.25. How did I do it? Well first, we did not pig out, and we took the meal home to round out and finish off with fruit! I got Aiden and Courtney to use a hamburger coupon each, Thomas and I split a 2 cheeseburger meal and I larged the fries and drink, Jack had a big Mac meal and I larged the fries and drink. We brought it all out and shared the fries between us, and the kids shared a can of coke, (Jack and I kept the drinks that came with the meals, I am still sipping the sweat tea two hours later) and as I said if they were still hungry I pointed them towards the fruit drawer in the fridge.
Do we do this all the time. No we do allow the children to sometimes pick whatever they want to eat, and there is no sharing of fries those days. But generally that is saved for vacations, birthdays and other celebrations. Seriously what mom needs another happy meal toy to trip on anyhow!!!! And do any of us need that many fries on our hips!!!! ( I once saw a visual demonstration on just how much fat and salt are in those fries believe me it made a huge impact on me!!! yuck talk about artery compacting) By sharing meals we fill our craving, but keep within our budget.
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