What I have been doing while waiting for walls

I am happy to report that this coming week a wall or two should be put back up in our old house. Jack got the plumbing and electrical done. This r
eno. project doesn't have much for me to do, until painting that is, and what Jack has been doing has been kicking up too much dust for me to get started with painting.
So as I have been waiting, I have had afternoons free, that use to be spent renoing, or catching up on what needs to be done at home, cause I have been renovating the previous day.
When we renovate, I tend to live by a priority system, kids educated, food bought and served, money matters taken care off and clean clothes and a clean bathroom. Those are my priorities, but as most of you know there is more than that to keeping up a home.
The kids are great about pitching in doing dishes and sweeping vacuuming and wet mopping floors, and such for their allowance, but they are not so great at sorting stuff! and stuff seems to come out of the woodwork in modern day life.
Our attic had become a sea of piles of outgrown, no longer using, or no longer usable STUFF!!!
So I have spent the last few months between reno's sorting stuff, selling stuff, and re-boxing stuff.
Now I can proudly say, you can walk down all three wings of our attic. Well at least you could till Thursday when we got all the Christmas stuff out!
Man stuff work, is just as bad as housework! Its never done!!!