October weather really was nice Honest!
October was a beautiful weather month, with the exception of two really bad storms that came and went in a matter of an hour. The wind was horrible, blowing off siding, the hail was so bad it ruined many homes roof's in the area and put holes in a lot of homes (major blessing that all 3 of our homes were spared any damage). The lightening was so loud that it made me jump in fright and normally I like lightening storms. One strike actually hit the power pole just a half block from our home leaving us without power for several hours. But we didn't suffer much, Jack and I cuddled on the couch and watched a movie he had saved on his i-pod touch and the boys played their Nintendo-Ds' and Courtney played games on her very own i-pod touch (she saved from Christmas to her birthday to get it such a saver that child). We took part of dinner over to the home we are currently doing renovations on to rent and cooked it there, then brought it the 5 minute drive back to our home and ate by candle light.
Once the storm had passed Courtney and Aiden ventured outside to play hail baseball, kept them busy for hours.
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