Still Selling!

A few posts below you will read that Yard Saling is in full swing again.
I of course aim not to just buy during this season but to also sell our no longer needed items in an attempt to declutter our lives, and make a bit of cash for those little extras while I am at it.
So far here is how I have done
Ladysignment sale: This was a new one for me this year. The idea is that you take all your no longer used clothes hang them on hanger and price and tag them with a consigners number. Then you drop them off at this ladies home and she sells them for you and takes 30% of your earnings for her effort.
I really did like this, as at my own yard sales I find there is a slim market for my own personal clothes. You have to have just the right size lady show up to buy that day. Whereas at a huge sale like this, it has been advertised all over the community, so you get 100's perhaps even 1000's of woman showing up looking exclusively for woman's wear.
Marion Homeschooling sale: For just $2 I got a table in the basement of our local library for several hours one Saturday and sold exclusively educational items with about 20 other homeschoolers.
(but the best part of this sale was the buying, Thomas starts high school this year (4yrs where we are) and High School curriculum is much higher, and I got over $450 worth for $90!!!! Such a blessing!
My annual Spring Sale: I like inviting friends to do a sale with me every spring just before the big area sales get started for the season (don't want to miss them) and then another in the fall just as the season is drawing to the end. It is such a fun day, chit chatting with my buddies and making cash for the family. Plus all it costs me is a bit of time making up signs and posting the event on Craigslist (oh and the cost of the poster board which is about $2)
Fort Wayne Area Homeschooling Sale: I have always wanted to go to this sale to buy, but it has always been on a day where I had more pressing events going on. This time I was free, oh and the table was free of cost too!! I took Thomas with me to this one, cause it is very large and would be hard to shop and keep watch on a table at the same time and I was hoping to find a few more items on my need for next years schooling list (which I did). He did very well helping me, and so we had lunch out in the City and did a few money saving errands afterwards.
I SOLD: $74.50 WORTH
Craigslist: Since we no longer needed our broken down pop up. I put it on Craigslist and sold it to a RV restore and resell center.
I still have a few homeschooling items to get on eBay and a few items for Craig'slist but so far in the last two months I have made:
Which goes to show you, that if you ever find yourself short on cash, you really don't have to look any further than the shelves, drawers, closets, attics, garages, storage sheds and basements of your own living space to come up with it, for very little effort. Especially if you have young children in your house cause they tend to cycle through stuff fast, and that stuff is in high demand on the second hand market.